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hospital-patientHave you been fighting with a rare or life threatening disease and no treatment seems to work? You have heard about stem cell therapy and you would like to try it but do not have access in your home country or the costs are excruciating?

Scientist or chemist with petri dish pipet.  Focus dish hands

Stem Cell Therapy in India can help you. If several years ago only few patients had access to this revolutionary therapy, now, thanks to technical advancements and medical tourism anyone can have a second chance to a better, healthier life. India offer access to high quality stem cell therapy, experienced doctors, modern equipment and, most of all, affordable prices.

neurogenree-labsmanipalSome of the accredited clinics and hospitals offering stem cell therapy in India are:  NeuroGen | Brain and Spine Institute, ReeLabs and Manipal Hospital Goa. Here you will find the best stem cell therapy physicians and experts and stem cell treatments for Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, Cerebral Palsy, Cancer, Epilepsy, Muscular Dystrophy, Heart Diseases, Diabetes, Blood Diseases and many other illnesses and affections.

NeuroGen   Brain and Spine Institute Brain

Stem cells have the ability to regenerate sick organs and tissues by maturing into new and healthy bone, muscle, nerves and other tissue cells. Stem cells are taken from the patient’s own fat or bone marrow, are grown and altered in the laboratory and then injected into the patient. There are no side effects and the cells are not rejected by the organism.

India has made important research and advancements in the stem cell therapy domain, becoming an important medical hub for this type of treatment. More and more patients choose stem cell therapy in India, enjoying quality medical treatment and care, and affordable prices.

Visit us for more information about Stem Cell Therapy in India or call us @ 1.303.500.3821